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Detox Cleanser


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Detox Cleanser


Detox Cleanser


A unique sulfate and paraben-free formula, is specially formulated with the perfect balance of Salicylic Acid and skin nourishing botanicals. Salicylic Acid, a Beta Hydroxy Acid, has the ability to penetrate into the pore lining and exfoliate inside the pore, as well as the skin’s surface making it effective in reducing breakouts. Detox Cleanser is also formulated with Niacinamide to reduce redness and improves the skin's overall look. In addition, the soothing blend of botanical oils and extracts provides a multitude of benefits without over drying the skin. This product immediately cleanses deep into pores, eliminating acne-causing bacteria, impurities and oil, leaving skin soft, radiant and blemish-free.

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